Close to 250+ motorcycle riders are expected to attend the 24th Annual USMC and Law Riders MC
Toys for Tots Ride on Sunday, December 6th to raise money and collect gifts for less fortunate
children in the community. Last year, the annual Toys for Tots ride raised close to $2,000 and
collected 250+ toys that went to children in the Charleston area. In total, 74,869 toys and 14,087
children in the Charleston area were supported by the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Program. Our
goal for 2020 is to exceed the success of last year in order to ensure as many children in the area
have a happy holiday.
The USMC and Law Riders MC Toys for Tots charity ride is unique in being one of the few fully
escorted rides throughout the Low Country. With the support of North Charleston, Charleston and
Mount Pleasant police departments, the ride is able to travel from Low Country Harley-Davidson,
across 526, through Mount Pleasant on Hwy. 17, and return to the dealership or food, music and
giveaways. Cost of the ride is $20 per rider and $10 passenger or one unwrapped toy per person.
Iron Horse Motorcycle Lawyers is the food sponsor and has partnered with Famularia’s to provide a
delicious bounty for the event.
12:00 p.m. Registration Begins
12:45 p.m. Announcements
1:00 p.m. Kickstands Up!
1:30 – 1:45 p.m. Motorcycles arrive back at the dealership
1:45 – 3:00 p.m. Food, music and raffle